
Displaying 111-120 of 349 results.

201606 Annual Overseas Trip, July 22-24 - Haikou Mission Hills

IGST's 8th consecutive overseas golf trip, this year to Mission Hills, in Haikou, the Hawaii of China. SIGN UP ASAP to indicate interest. Final Commitment late June.

201605 TROPHY EVENT: Better Ball Pairs Stableford $2,900 @ THE Club (Tsai Hsing)

50 Nan Wo, Chang An Village, Woo Kou. Hsinchu / 新竹縣湖口鄉長安村再興路350號
THE Club / 再興高爾夫俱樂部 (Also known as Tsai Hsing Golf Club)

Better Ball Pairs Competition - Trophy Competition COORDINATORS: John, Spencer, Murray

201710 October 14: 7th Annual Taiwan Cup, Taichung International Country Club, $3,200

No.21-8 BeiKeng Lane, Beitun District, Taichung, 台中市北屯區民政里北坑21-8號
Taichung International Country Club (TICC)

The Seventh Annual Taiwan Cup. Taichung TIGS is the host in team matchplay. IGST has won the last three years.

201806 Pairs Matchplay at Ocean View $2880

新北市石門區尖鹿里尖子路1 0 號 No 10, Jianzilu, Shimen Township, New Taipei City
Ocean View Golf Club (Bin Hai)

A four-ball golf match, as per Ryder Cup style, consists of two teams of two golfers competing directly against each other. Each golfer plays their own ball with the lowest score from the team winning the hole.

Friendly at Sunshine Valley (SAT, $2850)

Sunshine Valley Golf Club / 旭陽高爾夫球場

Our first event of the year! Dust off the clubs and come out to experience a friendly match with other IGST members.

201605 AmCham Golf Team Scramble $4,700 including Drinks and Lunch @Kuo Hua

Pei Tou Kuo Hua Golf & Country Club / 國華高爾夫球場

AmCham's Annual Golf Day using Peoria System Handicaps ENTRIES NOW CLOSED FOR THIS EVENT

201608 Stableford Round 6 $3,090 @ Royal Kuan Hsi

1 Lin, Yu Sun, Kuan Hsi, Hsinchu / 306新竹縣關西鎮玉山里1鄰赤柯山1號
Royal Kuan-hsi / 老爺關西高爾夫球場

Round 6 of the Annual Competition

201609 Texas Scramble Pairs $2,900 @ THE Club

50 Nan Wo, Chang An Village, Woo Kou. Hsinchu / 新竹縣湖口鄉長安村再興路350號
THE Club / 再興高爾夫俱樂部 (Also known as Tsai Hsing Golf Club)

A fun format in a two person team, with partners decided by lucky draw.

201611 Club Championship (Day 2)

No.1-1, Shizhen, Yuanli Township, Miaoli County 358 / 苗栗縣苑裡鎮石鎮里1鄰1之1號
National Garden Country Club / 全國花園鄉村俱樂部

Day 2 of our 2-day Club Championship at National Garden Golf and Country Club. Please sign up separately for each day, so we know your plans.

201610 Stableford Round 8 $3,380 @ Bei Hai (North Bay)

No. 5, Caopuwei, Caoli Vil, Shimen Dist, New Taipei City / 新北市石門區草里里草埔尾5號
Gold Coast (aka) North Bay Golf & Country Club / 北海高爾夫鄉村俱樂部

Round 8 (second last round) of the Annual Competition