
Displaying 61-70 of 349 results.

201407 Overseas Golf and Social Trip - PHUKET 2014!

25TH - 28 JULY. This year we will either stay at the Dusit Thani again or at Angsana hotel which is also in the same resort complex

201812 ALL Chambers+IGST (Sunshine Valley, $2695NT)

Sunshine Valley Golf Club / 旭陽高爾夫球場

An annual event since 2004 with 8 player teams representing the American, Australia-New Zealand, British, Canadian and European Chambers of Commerce in two player better ball net matchplay.

201504 - ECCT-ICRT Charity Tournament

201410 Taiwan Cup - Annual match between Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung! (NT$2,750)

50 Nan Wo, Chang An Village, Woo Kou. Hsinchu / 新竹縣湖口鄉長安村再興路350號
THE Club / 再興高爾夫俱樂部 (Also known as Tsai Hsing Golf Club)

4th Annual TAIWAN CUP – Taipei vs Taichung vs Kaohsiung

201501 Jan 30 New Members Sign-Up Evening

What better way to start the 2015 golfing season than to catch up with old friends and meet new ones at the IGST Signup Drinks!

201406 2nd American Club / IGST Golf Day

50 Nan Wo, Chang An Village, Woo Kou. Hsinchu / 新竹縣湖口鄉長安村再興路350號
THE Club / 再興高爾夫俱樂部 (Also known as Tsai Hsing Golf Club)

Jointly run by The American Club Taipei and IGST! The objective you ask? To give everyone who likes playing golf an extra chance to play more!!! Fun and great stories to be generated by all !!

201805 Stableford 3 at Sunshine Valley $2695

Sunshine Valley Golf Club / 旭陽高爾夫球場

A season long (9 rounds total) competition, from March to November. Prizes for the best five scores in Div A and B. Play 4 times to qualify for end of season prizes. We also welcome guests (maximum two games per year) and members without handicaps to play socially and for hole prizes.

Stableford 5 @ Gold Coast

No. 5, Caopuwei, Caoli Vil, Shimen Dist, New Taipei City / 新北市石門區草里里草埔尾5號
Gold Coast (aka) North Bay Golf & Country Club / 北海高爾夫鄉村俱樂部

Join us for the 5th round of a season long (9 rounds total) competition, from March to November.

201712 December 1 IGST Annual Dinner and Awards Presentation

Our Annual Dinner and Awards Night. Welcome partners and friends.

2020 IGST Friendly Game

55 Hudu, DongSun Li, Kwansi, HsinChu Hsien / 新竹縣關西鎮東山里湖肚55號
Lily Golf Course / 立益高爾夫鄉村俱樂部

Join us for the first round of the season. Please arrvie by 11:20 for the 11:48 Tee time. Cost is NT$3099