
Displaying 151-160 of 349 results.

2020 Mar. Stableford 1 @ Sunshine Valley

Sunshine Valley Golf Club / 旭陽高爾夫球場

The first round of a season long (9 rounds total) competition, from March to November. Event Prizes for the best five scores in Division A and B, plus prizes for closest to the pin and longest drive. Please plan to arrive at least 30 minute before the tee time to be ready. Fee: NT$ 2,850

2020 Jul. 25,26 OPTION 1 is a 2-day (July 25-26) Stableford Event in Taichung

Mission Hills Haikou

Stableford format for a two day event. Prizes for longest drives, closest to the pin and best 5 scores in both A and B. Trophy for the overall champion. Saturday course is Taifung Sunday course is Taichung International Golf Club FINAL DAY TO SIGN UP: June 24

Stableford 6 @ THE Club

50 Nan Wo, Chang An Village, Woo Kou. Hsinchu / 新竹縣湖口鄉長安村再興路350號
THE Club / 再興高爾夫俱樂部 (Also known as Tsai Hsing Golf Club)

Join us for the 6th round of a season long (9 rounds total) competition, from March to November.

201703 March 10 Wine Tasting $1,000, jointly hosted with ANZCham @ Shangri-La's Marco Polo Lounge

Enjoy a delicious buffet, free flow wine, beer and soft drinks and sample six excellent New Zealand wines. IGST Members and friends are all welcome!

201704 Friday April 14 Annual Charity Golf Cup Texas Scramble and Lunch $24,000 per team

1 Lin, Yu Sun, Kuan Hsi, Hsinchu / 306新竹縣關西鎮玉山里1鄰赤柯山1號
Royal Kuan-hsi / 老爺關西高爾夫球場

PLAY GOLF on a Friday FOR CHARITY. IGST is a sponsor of the annual ECCT/ICRT Charity Golf Cup. Proceeds to the Community Services Center. A maximum of 20 teams in a Texas scramble format. Organize your team of four or sign Up HERE if interested as an individual player.

201705 Friday May 12: AmCham Golf Day Scramble and Lunch @ Kuo Hua $4,900

Pei Tou Kuo Hua Golf & Country Club / 國華高爾夫球場

AmCham's Annual Golf Day Team Scramble featuring Peoria System Handicaps and a Shotgun start.

201809 Stableford 6 at Sunrise $4200

No.256, Yang Sheng Road, Yang Mei City, Taoyuan County / 桃園縣楊梅市楊昇路256號
Sunrise Golf & Country Club / 揚昇高爾夫鄉村俱樂部

A season long competition, from March to November. Prizes each game for the best five scores in Div A and B.

Stableford Pairs Better-ball at Tsai Hsin (SAT, $3150)

50 Nan Wo, Chang An Village, Woo Kou. Hsinchu / 新竹縣湖口鄉長安村再興路350號
THE Club / 再興高爾夫俱樂部 (Also known as Tsai Hsing Golf Club)

A player from Division A and B are partnered together in a ‘better-ball’ Stableford competition. The best Stableford score on each hole is the pair’s score.

201808 Match Play Day at Taipei Golf and Country Club $2954

Taipei Golf Club, Linkou / 台北高爾夫俱樂部

Enjoy the thrill of Matchplay versus someone of a similar handicap.

201808 Combined Pairs Stableford at Northbay (BeiHai) $2,880

No. 5, Caopuwei, Caoli Vil, Shimen Dist, New Taipei City / 新北市石門區草里里草埔尾5號
Gold Coast (aka) North Bay Golf & Country Club / 北海高爾夫鄉村俱樂部

Players from Division A and B are partnered in a Stableford Pairs competition. The combined Stableford points on each hole is the pair’s score.